• with report or comment verbs or phrases – reckon, guess / imagine / suppose... – I reckon Gloria has been held up in traffic. – Practise you suppose they have forgotten they are meant to be here?
  • with the phrase – This is / Information technology's /That'south the first, 2nd, merely fourth dimension... – This is the first time he has been late. It's the only time I've ever aroused with him.
  • when an outcome is unusual or unique in your life (often with a superlative and ever or never) – I've never met anybody who is so absent-minded.

All the same, we ordinarily employ a PAST TENSE to refer to somebody who is expressionless. – Princess Diana was the most extraordinary person I've ever read about.

  • when commenting on the nowadays results of something in the past – normally with appear, seem, sound…. – He sounds equally he has run all the way here. – It seems they've already decided without consulting us.


  • to describe states or events that take continued since a time in the by, with – since, always since... – He's been a bit more careful since he had that warning. – Ever since I outset heard information technology I've been trying to discover a recording of that song.
  • to describe long-term or repeated feelings and thoughts about past events – I've ofttimes wondered why he decided to get a teacher. – I've always felt we did the wrong thing when we took her on as an banana.


  • to describe ii states that have existed since a time in the past – Since I've known him, he has e'er worn the same sweater.

Nosotros Utilize Present PERFECT WITH FUTURE FORMS

In time clauses, after – when, equally shortly every bit, until, before… – nosotros don't use 'will', and then the Future Perfect 'will have done' is not possible. In these cases we use the Nowadays Perfect to refer to the futurity. – We'll go along the meeting when he's recovered his composure.


Note the position and emphatic uses of since and even soThere was no news this forenoon but nosotros accept since learned that she is in Rome. – I haven't met anyone all the same who tin run as fast equally him. – OR – I've nevertheless to encounter anyone who run and so fast.


  • THEY'VE MADE It = They have succeeded
  • I'VE HAD ENOUGH = I'one thousand fed upwardly, I don't want to do any more than
  • YOU'VE HAD IT = You are in trouble- if someone has had it, they are in serious problem, or they are going to neglect -To fail, or to stop being successful – If the boss hears what yous've been doing, you've had it. – When they scored that second goal, I knew nosotros'd had it.
  • THAT'South TORN IT = you/we have washed something that someone else will complain strongly about – used to express dismay when something unfortunate has happened to disrupt one'south plans
  • NOW YOU Accept Done It = you have done something seriously wrong
  • SHE'South ARRIVED = she's achieved fame success, acceptance at last
  • HE'Due south LOST IT = he has lost his patience or self-control
  • You'VE GOT ME THERE = adept signal, I've no thought what the solution is – used to say that one doesn't take an answer, solution, etc. That's a proficient question

It'south the third time he has missed a coming together. – As soon as he has finished (or as soon as he finishes), he is going home. – This is the best lasagne I've e'er had. – Since we have known each other, he has always shown impeccable manners – Since I met her, I have never seen her lose her temper.

Do you lot recall Vicky has always known the truth about us? – That'south the second time y'all've forgotten to post something for me. – I haven't seen Peter since he began seeing his new girlfriend. – E'er since we met, y'all have never asked me what I adopt to do? – In all my life, I've never spoken to someone who is so stupid. – I don't think Paul and Carol take seen much of each other of belatedly. – This is an only occasion I have seen him wearing a tie. – Since he's lived here, he has commonly been extremely friendly – They will join us later they've got a bite to eat. – He says he hasn't even so come up to final decision.

I've often thought that Stefan's success as a teacher is due to his eccentricity as much as his knowledge of the discipline. From the showtime time he always walked/stepped into a classroom, students accept ever loved him. They've probably never met anybody who displays such an extraordinary mixture of enthusiasm and great personal warmth. It'southward been also probably the get-go time they've met somebody who always wears a leather jacket and a scarf even at the height of summer.

'When did you really begin to feel home here?' Paul asked. ' Oh, you've got me at that place!' John replied. 'Allow'south just say you won't feel you truly belong until you've fallen out with your colleagues and then made it up several times. Over the summer I've lost it with all of them countless times, oft over quite trivial things. I've lost count of the times I've said to myself – That's it! I've had enough! But I come back the next solar day, fourth dimension later time. I've often wondered why I practise. As far as the boss goes, simply look until you make a major error. Your colleagues will go "Oooh, at present yous've had it! or "Um, that'southward torn it!", and the dominate comes in and just smiles at you. So you will know you've fabricated it/ you have cracked it. And so you definitely arrived.

I am non going out again until the storm has diddled over. I'll telephone him as presently equally I've finished typing all these letters. I looked for that book everywhere but I'chiliad afraid I oasis't come across yet. This isn't the first time he has run away from home. I spoke to Sylvia last night, she sounds as if she has had difficult time recently. I went to pizzeria last night, it does the best pizza I've e'er eaten. I've never understood what it is that makes football so popular. (or what makes football and then popular) Since he got home from the camp, he has done zilch but sleep. I've yet to got over the shock of seeing her at that place.

Brand sure yous end this book earlier y'all start on the others. Don't commencement the other books until you have finished this one. Nobody has seen Jo for over a month. Jo was last seen over a month agone. Bergkamp's goal was the near extraordinary 1 I have ever seen. I've nonetheless to see as extraordinary goal equally Bergkamp's.No one has asked me that earlier. This is the first time anybody/somebody has asked me that.(or I've been asked that) The journey to Paris took much longer before they built the Channel Tunnel. Since the Channel Tunnel was built the journey to Paris takes much less time. It'southward most a yr since I stopped smoking. I gave up smoking almost a year agone. This cafe used to be a lot more popular before they opened the new one adjacent door. Since the new cafe next door was opened, this one has been a lot less popular. or Since they opened the new cafe next door, this one hasn't been most so popular.